Home Kitchen Garden
Home Kitchen Garden
A home garden is a space around the house where one can grow different plants according to the type of garden is needed. Home gardening includes Kitchen garden, herb garden, water garden, flower garden, forest gardening etc. Kitchen garden plantations include some easy vegetables that one can grow are tomatoes, spinach, radish, lettuce, fenugreek, beans, chilly, fruits that can be grown are lemons, papaya, pomegranate, guava etc. Vegetable garden predominantly needs garden soil and organic manure. A kitchen garden is important to firm up the vegetables, herbs, being used regularly in your personal cooking. Homegrown vegetables are healthier and give happiness of growing. For limited space, one can use containers, racks and climbers. Make sure that the kitchen garden is grown in a sunny spot and close to your kitchen.
Herb garden includes culinary or medicinal herbs such as mint, creeping thyme, lavender, coriander, oregano, parsley, bay leaves, chyme etc. Growing herbs garden is worth for their pleasant aromatic foliage, colours of their flowers, garnishing salads, enhancing flavours of bland Vegetables etc. Herbs Once planted in proper soil, they grow well and don’t require too much daily care. Herbs grow well in pots and beds. Always use pre dampened potting soil and container in proportion to the type of herb, one is choosing, so that it doesn't get root bound, very fast. The beauty of a water garden lies in glimpses of water surfaces, pool appearances and freshness of plants around the margins. In creating water gardens, the first thing to find out is what are the possibilities of a constant supply of fresh water and means of disposing of the surplus water. Stagnant water is a foul, eyesore and dangerous to health.
A water garden need not be confined to the traditional form of a water pond, having fish and fauna. It could be a watercourse, fountain or simply a container containing few floating plants. Plants that can be grown are water lilies, water hyacinth, lotus, arum lily, water lettuce, etc. You can use biofilters or copper sulphate to keep your water clean.
The flower garden is a combination of flower plants of different heights, colours, textures, fragrances to create interest and delight to senses. Mostly grown for decorative purposes. Design your garden in three strata- trees, shrubs and ground cover. Have raised beds, borders, walkways for the plants. Observe the amount of sun temperature and soil condition in your garden.
As different flowers come up, at different times of the year. An interesting part of planning your flower garden is that you can set up thematic sections, like butterfly garden, bird garden, wildlife garden, rose garden, perennial garden, shade garden, water garden and cacti garden. palms are also can be used for an upgraded look of your garden. Forest gardening is one of the most interesting and fun parts because of its low-maintenance, sustainable, plant-based food production and agroforestry system.
Based on the ecosystem, you can plan to incorporate fruit and nut trees, shrubs, herbs, vines and perennial vegetables. You can make a forest garden practically anywhere. A forest garden is planted in such a way that the plants benefit each other. A shade-loving herb grows well under a fruit tree. Climbers can use a tree trunk for support. Forest plantations can include fruit-bearing trees that can grow fruits on a large scale. Mango, guava, banana, pineapple, pomegranate, papaya, lime, pumpkins, tubers, root vegetables, areca nuts etc.